Saturday, October 29, 2022

#23 - Hard'n'heavy Music Chart

Hard'n'Heavy Music Chart, standing 23 - welcome.

This week's first place goes to "Small Dark Lines" by Threshold.
You can find the chart here -> go. Feel free to vote for your favorites.

The highest new song is:

"Numer z Banjo" by Nocny Kochanek, 62th place. Biggest jump made song "Hardwired" by Metallica - 24 positions to 50.

Reminding the rules and listing the week candidates.

This week candidates:
- The Wolf You Feed - Nita Strauss (-> youtube)
- Exile Of The Gods - Eluveitie (-> youtube)
- Swamped XX - Lacuna Coil (-> youtube)
- Antihero - Liv Sin (-> youtube)
- Same Old Story - Styper (-> youtube)


1. The list includes max 100 songs
2. Songs at places 1-30 receives points for all time standing
3. Between 100 songs on the single standing might be max 5 song from one artist
4. There cannot be more then 2 compostions of one artist from the same decade on the standing (this limit is not use with songs from last 5 years)
5. Compositions can't return if they received all time standing points and leave the standing
6. You may suggest candidates by sending e-mail to or put here the comment or comment our FB fanpage.

Voting process is giving your points from 10 to 1 and confirm them by putting your e-mail address - confirmation link will be sent to your mailbox and your vote will be confirmed after click on that link.

Have good fun

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