Friday, November 24, 2023

Stef Metal Chart, November

Stef Metal Chart - November summary, weeks 76-79.

Scream Maker deminated November at Stef Metal Chart and won all four weeks. Behind them, the fight was fierce - Sylosis won three times and Ice Age won last wek.
September Numbers One:
See The Light - Scream Maker.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Doro - Conqueress – Forever Strong and Proud - review

Doro - Conqueress – Forever Strong and Proud

    As we previously announced with November's new releases on October 27th, 2023 German vocalist Doro's new album was released. The Album titled "Conqueress: Forever Strong and Proud" is artists 14th studio solo album and brings the music that shows that Doro still likes what she does and does what she likes. We got few stronger songs, few ballads, and cover recorder featuring Rob Halford at the end..
Whole thing has 15 tracks, for which fans had to wait 5 years (a year less then for previous record), but it was worth waiting to see that she really deserved a place in the pantheon of heavy metal stars.


Sophie Lloyd - Imposter Syndrome - review

    In July, we published review of guitarist Nita Strauss 's solo album , and a few month later we receive another release like ...

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